SQL operators, functions

String Functions



Returns the ASCII value for the specific character

Returns the character based on the ASCII code

Returns the position of a substring in a string

Adds two or more strings together

Adds two or more strings together

Adds two or more strings together with a separator

Returns the number of bytes used to represent an expression

Compares two SOUNDEX values, and returns an integer value

Formats a value with the specified format

Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from left)

Returns the length of a string

Converts a string to lower-case

Removes leading spaces from a string

Returns the Unicode character based on the number code

Returns the position of a pattern in a string

Returns a Unicode string with delimiters added to make the string a valid SQL Server delimited identifier

Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, with a new substring

Repeats a string a specified number of times

Reverses a string and returns the result

Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from right)

Removes trailing spaces from a string

Returns a four-character code to evaluate the similarity of two strings

Returns a string of the specified number of space characters

Returns a number as string

Deletes a part of a string and then inserts another part into the string, starting at a specified position

Extracts some characters from a string

Returns the string from the first argument after the characters specified in the second argument are translated into the characters specified in the third argument.

Removes leading and trailing spaces (or other specified characters) from a string

Returns the Unicode value for the first character of the input expression

Converts a string to upper-case

Math/Numeric Functions



Returns the absolute value of a number

Returns the arc cosine of a number

Returns the arc sine of a number

Returns the arc tangent of a number

Returns the arc tangent of two numbers

Returns the average value of an expression

Returns the smallest integer value that is >= a number

Returns the number of records returned by a select query

Returns the cosine of a number

Returns the cotangent of a number

Converts a value in radians to degrees

Returns e raised to the power of a specified number

Returns the largest integer value that is <= to a number

Returns the natural logarithm of a number, or the logarithm of a number to a specified base

Returns the natural logarithm of a number to base 10

Returns the maximum value in a set of values

Returns the minimum value in a set of values

Returns the value of PI

Returns the value of a number raised to the power of another number

Converts a degree value into radians

Returns a random number

Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places

Returns the sign of a number

Returns the sine of a number

Returns the square root of a number

Returns the square of a number

Calculates the sum of a set of values

Returns the tangent of a number

Date Functions



Returns the current date and time

Adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date

Returns the difference between two dates

Returns a date from the specified parts (year, month, and day values)

Returns a specified part of a date (as string)

Returns a specified part of a date (as integer)

Returns the day of the month for a specified date

Returns the current database system date and time

Returns the current database system UTC date and time

Checks an expression and returns 1 if it is a valid date, otherwise 0

Returns the month part for a specified date (a number from 1 to 12)

Returns the date and time of the SQL Server

Returns the year part for a specified date

Advanced Functions



Converts a value (of any type) into a specified datatype

Returns the first non-null value in a list

Converts a value (of any type) into a specified datatype

Returns the name of the current user in the SQL Server database

Returns a value if a condition is TRUE, or another value if a condition is FALSE

Return a specified value if the expression is NULL, otherwise return the expression

Tests whether an expression is numeric

Returns NULL if two expressions are equal

Returns the name of the current user in the SQL Server database

Returns the session settings for a specified option

Returns the login name for the current user

Returns the database user name based on the specified id

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