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Scrumban is an Agile management methodology describing hybrids of Scrum and Kanban and was originally designed as a way to transition from Scrum to Kanban. Today, Scrumban is a management framework that emerges when teams employ Scrum as their chosen way of working and use the Kanban method as a lens through which to view, understand and continuously improve how they work.
Maintenance projects
Hardening/packaging phases
Projects with frequent and unexpected user stories or programming errors
Sprint teams focused on new product development
If Scrum is challenged by workflow issues, resources and processes
To manage improvement communities during/after Scrum roll-out
Avoid creating/analyzing too many stories (requirements/defects) – reduce waste
Assure the necessary level of analysis before starting development
The backlog should be event-driven with an order point
Prioritization-on-demand – the ideal work planning process should always provide the team with best thing to work on next, no more and no less