JavaScript: Operators

  • An operand – is what operators are applied to. For instance, in the multiplication of 5 * 2 there are two operands: the left operand is 5 and the right operand is 2. Sometimes, people call these “arguments” instead of “operands”.

  • An operator is unary if it has a single operand. For example, the unary negation - reverses the sign of a number:

  • An operator is binary if it has two operands.

Usually, the plus operator + sums numbers.

But, if the binary + is applied to strings, it merges (concatenates) them:

let s = "my" + "string";
alert(s); // mystring

Note that if one of the operands is a string, the other one is converted to a string too.

alert( '1' + 2 ); // "12"
alert( 2 + '1' ); // "21"

However, note that operations run from left to right. If there are two numbers followed by a string, the numbers will be added before being converted to a string:

alert(2 + 2 + '1' ); // "41" and not "221"

Other arithmetic operators work only with numbers and always convert their operands to numbers.

For instance, subtraction and division:

alert( 2 - '1' ); // 1
alert( '6' / '2' ); // 3

The plus + exists in two forms: the binary form that we used above and the unary form. The unary plus or, in other words, the plus operator + applied to a single value, doesn’t do anything to numbers. But if the operand is not a number, the unary plus converts it into a number.

// No effect on numbers
let x = 1;
alert( +x ); // 1

let y = -2;
alert( +y ); // -2

// Converts non-numbers
alert( +true ); // 1
alert( +"" );   // 0

The binary plus would add them as strings:

let apples = "2";
let oranges = "3";

alert( apples + oranges ); // "23", the binary plus concatenates strings

If we want to treat them as numbers, we need to convert and then sum them:

let apples = "2";
let oranges = "3";

// both values converted to numbers before the binary plus
alert( +apples + +oranges ); // 5

// the longer variant
// alert( Number(apples) + Number(oranges) ); // 5

If an expression has more than one operator, the execution order is defined by their precedence, or, in other words, the default priority order of operators.





unary plus



unary negation

















As we can see, the “unary plus” has a priority of 16 which is higher than the 13 of “addition” (binary plus). That’s why, in the expression "+apples + +oranges", unary pluses work before the addition.

Let’s note that an assignment = is also an operator. It is listed in the precedence table with the very low priority of 3.

That’s why, when we assign a variable, like x = 2 * 2 + 1, the calculations are done first and then the = is evaluated, storing the result in x.

let x = 2 * 2 + 1;

alert( x ); // 5

It is possible to chain assignments:

let a, b, c;

a = b = c = 2 + 2;

alert( a ); // 4
alert( b ); // 4
alert( c ); // 4

Chained assignments evaluate from right to left. First, the rightmost expression 2 + 2 is evaluated and then assigned to the variables on the left: c, b and a. At the end, all the variables share a single value.

The assignment operator "=" returns a value

An operator always returns a value. That’s obvious for most of them like addition + or multiplication *. But the assignment operator follows this rule too.

The call x = value writes the value into x and then returns it.

Here’s a demo that uses an assignment as part of a more complex expression:

let a = 1;
let b = 2;

let c = 3 - (a = b + 1);

alert( a ); // 3
alert( c ); // 0

The result of a % b is the remainder of the integer division of a by b.

alert( 5 % 2 ); // 1 is a remainder of 5 divided by 2
alert( 8 % 3 ); // 2 is a remainder of 8 divided by 3
alert( 6 % 3 ); // 0 is a remainder of 6 divided by 3

For a natural number b, the result of a ** b is a multiplied by itself b times.

alert( 2 ** 2 ); // 4  (2 * 2)
alert( 2 ** 3 ); // 8  (2 * 2 * 2)
alert( 2 ** 4 ); // 16 (2 * 2 * 2 * 2)

The operator works for non-integer numbers as well.

alert( 4 ** (1/2) ); // 2 (power of 1/2 is the same as a square root, that's maths)
alert( 8 ** (1/3) ); // 2 (power of 1/3 is the same as a cubic root)

  • Increment ++ increases a variable by 1:

    let counter = 2;
    counter++;      // works the same as counter = counter + 1, but is shorter
    alert( counter ); // 3
  • Decrement -- decreases a variable by 1:

    let counter = 2;
    counter--;      // works the same as counter = counter - 1, but is shorter
    alert( counter ); // 1

Increment/decrement can only be applied to variables. Trying to use it on a value like 5++ will give an error.

The operators ++ and -- can be placed either before or after a variable.

  • When the operator goes after the variable, it is in “postfix form”: counter++.

  • The “prefix form” is when the operator goes before the variable: ++counter.

Both of these statements do the same thing: increase counter by 1.

  • If the result of increment/decrement is not used, there is no difference in which form to use:

    let counter = 0;
    alert( counter ); // 2, the lines above did the same
  • If we’d like to increase a value and immediately use the result of the operator, we need the prefix form:

    let counter = 0;
    alert( ++counter ); // 1
  • If we’d like to increment a value but use its previous value, we need the postfix form:

    let counter = 0;
    alert( counter++ ); // 0

Increment/decrement among other operators

The operators ++/-- can be used inside expressions as well. Their precedence is higher than most other arithmetical operations.

For instance:

let counter = 1;
alert( 2 * ++counter ); // 4

Compare with:

let counter = 1;
alert( 2 * counter++ ); // 2, because counter++ returns the "old" value

We advise a style of “one line – one action”:

let counter = 1;
alert( 2 * counter );

Bitwise operators treat arguments as 32-bit integer numbers and work on the level of their binary representation.

The list of operators:

  • AND ( & )

  • OR ( | )

  • XOR ( ^ )

  • NOT ( ~ )

  • LEFT SHIFT ( << )

  • RIGHT SHIFT ( >> )


This notation can be shortened using the operators += and *=:

let n = 2;
n += 5; // now n = 7 (same as n = n + 5)
n *= 2; // now n = 14 (same as n = n * 2)

alert( n ); // 14

Short “modify-and-assign” operators exist for all arithmetical and bitwise operators: /=, -=, etc.

Such operators have the same precedence as a normal assignment, so they run after most other calculations:

let n = 2;

n *= 3 + 5;

alert( n ); // 16  (right part evaluated first, same as n *= 8)

The comma operator allows us to evaluate several expressions, dividing them with a comma ,. Each of them is evaluated but only the result of the last one is returned.

let a = (1 + 2, 3 + 4);

alert( a ); // 7 (the result of 3 + 4)

Comma has a very low precedence

Please note that the comma operator has very low precedence, lower than =, so parentheses are important in the example above.

Without them: a = 1 + 2, 3 + 4 evaluates + first, summing the numbers into a = 3, 7, then the assignment operator = assigns a = 3, and the rest is ignored. It’s like (a = 1 + 2), 3 + 4.

Sometimes, people use it in more complex constructs to put several actions in one line.

For example:

                            // three operations in one line
for (a = 1, b = 3, c = a * b; a < 10; a++) {

Such tricks are used in many JavaScript frameworks. That’s why we’re mentioning them. But usually they don’t improve code readability so we should think well before using them.

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