Use Work Items (TODO, BUG etc.)

Do not forget unfinished work; be sure to create work items for TODO, REVIEW, BUG, and UNDONE comments.

TODO comments allow you to tell Visual Studio to maintain a central list of tasks, which it reads from many different places in your code. The Task List is a floating window that shows all the TODO comments in your project.

TODO List supports any comment written in the next formats:

// <ACTION>: <message>
/* <ACTION>: <message> */
// <ACTION>(NAME): <message>

Common tags/types:

  • TODO – something to be done.

  • FIXME – should be corrected.

  • HACK – a workaround.

  • BUG – a known bug that should be corrected.

  • UNDONE – a reversal or "roll back" of previous code.

Last updated