File Providers

ASP.NET Core abstracts file system access through the use of File Providers. File Providers are used throughout the ASP.NET Core framework:

  • IHostingEnvironment exposes the app's content root and web root as IFileProvider types.

  • Static File Middleware uses File Providers to locate static files.

  • Razor uses File Providers to locate pages and views.

File Provider interfaces

The primary interface is IFileProvider. It exposes methods to:

  • Obtain file information (IFileInfo).

  • Obtain directory information (IDirectoryContents).

  • Set up change notifications (using an IChangeToken).

IFileInfo provides methods and properties for working with files:

  • Exists

  • IsDirectory

  • Name

  • Length (in bytes)

  • LastModified date

File Provider implementations

Three implementations of IFileProvider are available.




The physical provider is used to access the system's physical files.


The manifest embedded provider is used to access files embedded in assemblies.


The composite provider is used to provide combined access to files and directories from one or more other providers.

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